Springwater’s Early Years class is created within a single stimulating classroom with its own dedicated sensory room attached. Children learn and develop skills in a safe environment.
Prior to starting at school we meet with you and your child aiming to ensure we have answered any questions you may have. We work closely with families and carers during this transition period into school life to assure it is as smooth as possible.
The classroom overlooks the playground where children can access outdoor provision. This area is due for a complete refurbishment during summer 2018.
All our pre-five-year-old children work from the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance which is used in all Nursery and Early Years establishments.
Following the same topics as our Primary Classes enables the EYFS group to share themes with these groups.
At five years’ pupils move into the Key Stage One phase of their education. Supported by our KS1 teachers they may move up class or remain where they are a little longer.
Working closely with MDT team our pupils receive a comprehensive package of support according to their need.
We keep in contact, on a daily basis, through the home/school book or Big Macs where we can report on activities and events. Parents can also see what their child is achieving by loggin onto our EYFS assessment system: Tapestry.
The primary department have two classes which are in addition to our early year’s class.
Hedgehogs class is for our Pre-formal students who continue to learn through sensory experiences with focus on personal development.
Badgers is our Semi-formal / formal class where students develop their skills through exploration and discovery. These pupils are working on early cognitive skills in English and Mathematics along with accessing the National Curriculum in a broad and balanced way which is meaningful and relevant to our student’s needs.
All classes have an opportunity to access the community through our educational visit programme.
Following a three year rolling programme of themes, which changes each term, topics such as Light and Dark, colours of the rainbow, seaside, transport and journeys are experienced.
We have a strong focus on physical movement which is embedded in all aspects of our learning.
Students have access to swimming and rebound activities on a weekly basis.
The secondary department at Springwater is predominately for students aged 11 to 16 years (years 7 -11), and comprises three class groups with a mixture of KS3 and KS4.
Class one (Owls) is designed for a group of students who require a very sensory approach to their learning. They follow a pre-formal curriculum pathway which is based upon early learning principles.
Class two(Kites) is designed for those young people who are working on early cognitive skills in the strands of English and Mathematics, and they follow a wider semi-formal curriculum pathway.
The third class (Hawks) caters for the group of students who have Autism and/or elements of challenging behaviour requiring an environment conducive to their very specific needs. The curriculum is personalised in this class. The classroom environment is also adapted.
Planning is differentiated to meet the complex needs of all our students.
At the completion of secondary education, students will gain accreditation through the Nationally recognised body, ASDAN. Throughout KS4, students’ complete modules specific to their learning interest, abilities and need. This learning provides a solid base on which further study is undertaken in our Post 16 department.
The Sixth form department offers an exciting curriculum, including a wide range of courses and opportunities. Most students remain in the sixth form for three academic years.
The cohort is made up of our 'moving up' secondary pupils along with students from other specialist provisions and local high schools.
The curriculum aids students to prepare for the responsibilities of adult life. Timetables are organised to reflect a formal, semi-formal or pre-formal pathways. Students learn to work positively and gain confidence to become independent individuals that are able to contribute to their community.
A range of accredited cources are offered, including ASDAN's and the John Muir Award. Students are also able to continue with functional maths and literacy qualifications where appropriate.
Work experience is integral to our sixth form curriculum, we are supported by local businesses and organisations. Helping us to place students, with support, into their facilities. Some students also gain experience in independent travel with these placements.
Springwater School
High Street
Springwater is a vibrant and progressive day school catering for students ranging from two to nineteen years. Offering places to students who may have profound and multiple, severe or physical difficulties, the majority of our current students have co-existing or multiple needs. We also cater for students with autistic spectrum condition and elements of challenging behaviour.